Thursday, December 17, 2009

Physics Carol

My group is with Julius and Daniel, and we are singing a song based on Carol of the Bells.

Carol of the bells (Projectile version)

1. Projectiles launched, into the air
2. Whizzing along, on with song
3. Just gravity, the only force
4. Acting upon, our system gone
5. Gone up and down, that is their path
6. Accelera, tion slowing it
7. Angle theta, on the axis
8. Moving to peak, top of the path
9. Oh, how it slows, oh how it stops
10. On way to ground, speeding along

11. Happy they fly, on through the sky
12. Songs of good cheer, physics is here
13. Merry, merry, merry, merry physics
14. Merry, merry, merry, merry physics

15. Two components, on both axes
16. Y displacement, x-axis range
17. Time does connect, both dimensions
18. Curved line on plane, expresses path
19. Use the sine for, y components
20. Use cosine for, x components
21. On x-axis, always constant
22. Y speeding up, vertically
23. Projektile, fallen auch mal!
24. Erdanziehung, höhlt sie runter!
25. Proyéctales, van volando
26. No hay aire, hay gravedad

27. Happy they fly, on through the sky
28. Songs of good cheer, physics is here
29. Merry, merry, merry, merry physics
30. Merry, merry, merry, merry physics


  1. Excellent lyrics!
    Your group's performance in three languages was phenomenal!

  2. Thank you, I am glad that you enjoyed it.

  3. your song is humorous and the changes in languages are refreshing and interesting.

  4. Thank you. I'm glad that you enjoyed it.

